The insurance company gets to work immediately to try reduce the amount they will have to pay you for your injury. While you are in pain and dealing with the injury their negligent driver caused, they have adjusters that are busy preserving the evidence that will help them. For example, they will get witness statements.
The insurance company knows that the odds are that they will pay you much less if you do not have a lawyer. (Statistics kept by the insurance industry indicate that they pay 2 to 3 times MORE if you have a lawyer). Worse, they will delay paying you because the longer they hold the money, the more they can get in interest on the money they haven't paid you.
At Mayerson Schreiber McDevitt, P.C., we specialize in injury law. Our results, see them listed at, show we know how to overcome the insurance company's tactics to get you the most fair result-- what the insurance company doesn't want to have to pay. Our reputation in the community is excellent. For five decades we have fought to get our clients what they deserve from the insurance company.
David E. Schreiber
Mayerson Schreiber McDevitt, P.C.
Since 1963
Serving Pottstown, Boyertown, Spring City, Birdsboro, Phoenixville, Gilbertsville, Royersford, Limerick